WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:

I'll be using the blog to keep you all updated on site news and model availability for customs.

Today, we have our first new model of the year, BLONDI!

Blondi is 6' 6" and has SIZE 14 FEET! If you would like a custom with Blondi, please let me know. She'll be here February 6th and 7th. Space is very limited.

Getting lots of questions about the site, so let's do some FAQ ...

Q: Do I have to buy a membership?

A: Not at all. You can download videos and pics in our clipstore tab, the same way you would on a clip site.

Q: Will you be adding your old videos to this site?

A: As many as I can. Yes. This is going to be THE place to get my stuff, once it's done.

Q: Will you put up more detailed info about the models?

A: Beyond things like height, shoe size and fun facts, I doubt it. I prefer not to give out too much info, for the sake of maintaining their privacy. I might link their social media in future, if I have their permission.